Bike-free :(

The interesting part:   Surfing (’cause I’m traveling) and found this via cyclelicious:

which includes the following:

“So, you’re on the right track, Ottawa. But why am I writing this little serenade to you? Well, I can understand that there is some resistance to the physically-separated bicycle infrastructure your city planners are proposing.

Some of it is coming from the Bank Street BIA (Business Improvement Area). From what I understand they banned the rainbow flags associated with the gay and lesbian community in their area and now they’re battling the bike lane(s). Perhaps it’s time to tell them that We’re Here, We’re Geared, Get Used to It.”

The article goes on to describe a familiar sounding “but we’re concerned with your SAFETY!!” so-called argument.  Of course, the fixies would take issue with “we’re here, we’re geared,” so maybe ‘we’re here, two-wheeled, get used to it’??

The *really* boring stuff 🙂

Traveling this weekend and I decided to fly (smart, in hindsight — planes go *over* those snowy Appalachians, and the forecast was ambiguous but has turned out to be benign, especially since the window of opportunity for Traveling Hazards flying is about 20% the size of the one for driving, even accounting for being able to change departure times more easily).   Didn’t check *any* baggage  (if it did/does get weird, I want my stuff with me), much less a bicycle. Also, I’m not leaving ’til Monday night ’cause that’s $100 cheaper among other things.

It still surprised me a little that whilst wanderign around an extra half mile or so with my rather heavy backpack, I was compelled to jog because the start of activity activated the “okay, let’s go!” hormones.   Note to self:  keep that! If I have to be sedentary ’til Tuesday, I’ll get Back Into It then. The Trek is back on the trainer. Goal: To leave more sweat underneath it 🙂  The human body (nay, body/mind/soul unified entity) was made to breathe hard often and regularly.

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